Department of Benevolence

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Background[edit | edit source]

  • List of Intel & Security forces

Imperial Starfleet Intelligence[edit | edit source]


IUOP's Imperial Starfleet Intelligence is not as overreaching as its former counterpart and is largely a decentralized entity, with each fleet effectively having its own 'Department', due to such varies heavily in capability and effectiveness.

  • Each fleet largely handles itself, Answers to Starfleet Command, Grand Admiral and Congress

Task Force: White Mist[edit | edit source]

Specializes in reverse engineering captured vessels.

Task Force: Red Fist[edit | edit source]

Specializes in countering the counter Intel services of other Intel services (be it external or internal)

Task Force: Dark Spirit[edit | edit source]

Specializes in assassinations, obstruction & sabotage.

Oculorum Imperialis[edit | edit source]

Intel Branch of The Vanguard.

Vanguard External and Internal Intel/Security force, Answers directly to the Empress only. Is only a member of the Department of Benevolence for financial purposes.

Her Eyes[edit | edit source]

Personally handles Temporal Warfare, Temporal Counter-Intelligence & Temporal Reconnaissance on the Empress's direct authority.

State Security[edit | edit source]

State Security is an Internal Intel force, with some aspects involving investigation capability. Handles most Temporal Investigation duties. However Temporal Warfare, Counter-Intelligence & Reconnaissance are handled by "Her Eyes" of the Oculorum Imperialis.

  • A. Strategic Intelligence (StratInt) -- Commissar: Isat
  • B. Operational Intelligence (OpInt)
  • C. Tactical Intelligence (TacInt)
  • D. Temporal Intelligence (TempInt) -- Commissar: T'Dzheska
  • E. Information Collection Coordination and Intelligence Requirement Management (ICCIRM)
  • - Departments of ICCIRM
    • - - 1. Information Collection Department (ICD)
    • - - 2. Special Reconnaissance & Exploratory Corps (SREC)
    • - - 3. Intelligence Analysis Department (IntAn)
    • - - 4. Cryptanalysis (CryptAn) -- Commissar: Cooke
    • - - 5. Intelligence Packaging Department (IPD) --
    • - - 6. Intelligence Dissemination Department (IDD) --

Panopticon[edit | edit source]


Concilii Custodia[edit | edit source]

  • Aka 'The Congressional Guard'

Congresses Civilian Intel/Security Taskforce, External and Internal Aspects - with most focus on external. Considered the most productive and dangerous organization involving such, only coming in second to the Vanguard's Intel Force.

Non-DoB Recognized Entities[edit | edit source]

Memory Omega[edit | edit source]

The exact capabilities of Memory remains unknown, encounters with Memory Omega are ill advised.