Imperial Union of Planets Starship Prefixes

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I.U.W. "Imperial Union Warship" Imperial Union of Planets - Warship (Anything main Imperial Starfleet)

I.S.S. "Imperial Star Ship" Obsolete prefix, preferred is I.U.W. as to be disassociated with the STE.

I.U.C.V. "Imperial Union Civilian Vessel (Registered)" Imperial Union of Planets - Registered Citizen Vessel (Trade ships and such, pretty much anything non-starfleet)

I.U.K.W. "Imperial Union Knightly Warbird" (former) Romulan Technocracy Vessel, now in direct IUoP service. Used in cases where the captain has sworn an oath of fealty to the Empress.

I.M.G.V. "Imperial Mining Guild Vessel" The Imperial Mining Guild originated under Empreror Spock of the old empire. The IMG has been re-established under the current regime and is a semi-autonomous organization with its own paramilitary branch, serves the Empress directly for any resource acquirement, mining and material processing needs.

I.U.Y. "Imperial Union Yacht" Rare, sometimes used by private vessels owned by royalty.

I.U.P.G. "Imperial Union Planetary Guard"

I.M.S. "Imperial Medical Ship" Used by non-starfleet emergency support and aid vessels.

H.M.V. "Her Majesty's Vessel" Used by Memory Omega.


U.T.S. "United Technocracy Starship" Romulan Technocracy Starship.

F.R.S. "Free Romulan Starship" Used by Romulans acting as part of the Romulus Liberation Army.